The Heart Path
It was 34 years ago I took the leap into being a healing professional. The first steps started when my hands were small and my sister bribed me with stuffed animals and candy in exchange for back rubs. Truth is, I enjoyed giving the back rubs more than the bribes.
Then a fascination with acupressure that sprouted when I was 11 that must have come from an unspoken dream rooted in a part of my heart that hardly even dared to wish, but by the time I was 25 had grown enough to be heard saying “someday….maybe…I can touch just one person and make a healing difference.” That felt like it would be the ultimate fulfillment––but too much to hope for.
Soon after that, I got up the courage to look into more than baby steps, but was still too frightened to open the envelope with the catalog from the Utah College of Massage Therapy. Fortunately I had a friend who held my hand and helped me breathe through the application. There was just enough time to get into the class starting in January 1991 with the goal of becoming more than mediocre at something…anything and feeling giddy at the possibility that I could actually have a LICENSE to touch people. Wow!
By the next year I was teaching at the school and had a full-time massage therapy practice at the Sports Mall Metro in the downtown Salt Lake Crossroads Mall. I can honestly say I’ve loved the work and everyone who’s been on my table every day since. Always challenging, always a stretch, always learning, always connected to my own healing, always awe-inspiring to witness the miracle of healing.
I know now from working with thousands of people and dozens of modalities over the years that touch is my love language, my heart is made for holding others and the non-verbal is my sacred world. I’m always honored to be part of a support team for people ready for deep transformation with an experienced practitioner.
The Art of Inquiry
Sometimes called the Queen of Questions, I gratefully discovered the simple power of inquiry to create breakthroughs and has been practicing the art of a good question for decades.
With a background in practicing and teaching bodywork, energy healing, personal growth and heart-centered business skills, my depth of expertise has developed over decades of passionate commitment and service.
Questions like; “What’s the easier way?, What do I believe?, and What inspires me? have led to many innovative tools for transformation. Tools like Inquiry Cards, Root Change Programs and Grow Your Business Organically.
“Sylvia is an inspired healer, visionary, prolific creator, and award-winning entrepreneur who is passionate about bringing love to every moment and creating breakthroughs in surprising ways.”
Many people think that it is the function of a spiritual teaching to provide answers to life’s biggest questions, but actually the opposite is true. The primary task of any good spiritual teaching is not to answer your questions, but to question your answers. For it is your conscious and unconscious assumptions and beliefs that distort your perception and cause you to see separation and division where there is actually only unity and completeness.
– Adyashanti