The Big Picture

Messages from Spirit

Whether or not you see or feel the possibilities of your life, know that in every moment you are guided by the intelligence of the stars.

The influences of the Universe are working in every aspect of life.
You can trust this.
You can surrender to this.

It is easy to get caught up in the first-person view and forget the bigger (the HUGE, Universal, scale beyond imagining…) picture.

Feel the love in the physical world that you touch and see in this moment all the way to the center of your Universe billions of light years away. ALL of it is love.

What else could there possibly be?

This is a gentle reminder that you are part of that, moment-to-moment, day-to-day, by weeks, months, years, lifetimes, eons.

Remembering this will help you relax into the greater flow.
Yes, today’s agenda of accomplishment is part of that as well….and it is an infinitesimal bit in the whole of creation.

Living in an urban environment is myopic by nature.
Take some time to gaze at the stars.
Take breaks from the energy of the city.

This will revitalize and rejuvenate your soul.
Even looking at expansive pictures can be helpful during your time in the city.

Also exploring the inner reaches of your awareness is helpful (as you already do).
As a hologram, the entire Universe can be accessed through your cellular system.

Play with that!

Zoom out. Zoom in.

This will keep your consciousness flexible.

As always,
we are with you in love.

– Spirit speaking through Sylvia

1 Comment

  1. eli

    Well said. Do we / in our ego driven minds/ ever know what’s best for us? No. But the universe does and guides us thru our spirit. Listen to that guidence and live blissfull life. Heaven on earth, that’s what is it about.