Messages from Spirit
I believe every one of us has unlimited access to divine guidance/spirit/source in every moment, if we’re willing to listen. I share these channeled message with the intention that they might touch and inspire your own connection.
After decades of practice in being quiet and listening to the subtle promptings of this inner guidance, I’ve found it easier and easier to receive and translate clear information.
When getting quiet and asking the questions that are most on my heart (or someone elses’) the messages come easily and feel like dropping into a river of pure love. For me, the information comes as a clear and complete vibrational “package” with a sense of deep knowing. What I love most is the direct experience of the message on levels that are beyond words and beyond conscious understanding.
Then, I get the fun of translating that package into language that comes as close as possible to the pure message…which is always Love.
Sometimes I distinctly hear the words one at a time and sometimes I stay with the whole body experience and try on different words until there’s a vibrational match.
And as deep as the knowing goes in those moments, I still forget sometimes.
So I keep coming back. To listen. To remember.
Over and over and over.
And I’m amazed every time how much love is always right here, right now.
Here’s an example of a message that recently came through for someone:
“Even as you feel alone and weary, you are surrounded by more love than you could ever imagine just waiting to be received.
In moments of pain, sadness or despair, simply call to us. Simply feel into the apparently empty space around you and you will feel our presence loving and guiding you back to the truth of who you are…
You are not only NOT alone, you are literally surrounded by love. In the very air around you is complete and total love. Every breath you take has enough love to heal all. You have only to receive this love.”
I experience this loving presence as many beings that have no need to be named as individual entities – all-inclusive and interconnected. They use the language “we” because that’s the closest word we have in our language, but in my experience there really is no separation between us and them.
“We love you.
We are with you.
We ARE you.
We are an aspect of you that can see another view of what is.
That is all.”
With much love,
Sylvia Nibley
P.S. Feel free to quote and pass on these messages with a mention of
My full time passion/work is supporting accelerated transformation through my 3 businesses that were all created through divine downloads of information.
Inquiry Cards , Root Change programs and the Grow Your Business Organically home-study course for heart-centered entrepreneurs fill my life with joy and service.
…and I love being a channel for Messages from Spirit, so I make myself available for occasional individual readings.
If you resonate with these messages and feel drawn to receiving one specifically channeled for you, just email me your question/s with the subject line “Message from Spirit please” and we can schedule a reading.
The way I receive a message for you is the same way it works when I get messages for myself. I get quiet and hold your question in a receptive state of listening to spirit on your behalf.
The answers come as an underlying feeling and a stream of words, sometimes very specific and sometimes I find the words that best fit the energetic quality (or image). There’s a resonance that happens when the words match the energy and I sit with the message as it emerges, until that resonance feels complete.
My current rate is $150 an hour and readings usually take between 45 minutes to one hour. Sessions can be by phone, Skype, or if you email a question, you receive your typed reading by email.
Happy to serve,